In the wise words of Paulo Coelho,
“you drown not by falling into a river but by staying submerged in it."
Whether it’s your job or all the other challenges life throws at you, I’m here to act as your guide—to dry yourself off and navigate the bad, capitalize on the good, work hard, and empower you to be the most authentic version of yourself.
I’m Constance Dionne, a Life Strategist.
So many people are strategic about taxes, but not what matters most - their own lives! I believe that creating a life that you love involves the same intentional thought—the same risk, but also great reward.
I specialize in coaching techniques that unleash your dreams and provide you with the right tools both personally and professionally so that you can shift your mindset from thinking to doing—every mutha freaking day.
I know everyone says “I’ve been there,” but I mean it when I say...I’ve been there.
From making challenging decisions for my family to climbing the corporate ladder “their” way, only to find forging my own corporate path, by my own rules, was the direction that fit best.
Fuel Your Fire.
Ready to ignite your inner flame, step into your power and showcase the strong, capable woman you are? Join the UnbreakaBELLE community and find resources to assist you in all the craziness life throws your way.
Upgrade Your Career.
It’s time to create the career of your dreams. Shake things up, make the change(s) you need, and forge your own path to your career. Check out what Lead Extraordinarily is all about.